WBS 1 Telecon


16 April 2003



This week's WBS-1 Engineering telecon will be held at 1:30 this Wednesday,

April 16.  PPPL will call ORNL at the engr conf. room (865-241-1255) and we

will share information via netmeeting.  I would like to use this meeting for

general update on status of the various areas




1. Status of vacuum vessel (Paul Goranson)

2. Status / work plans for conventional coils / planning (Kalish)

3. Status of mod coils (Dave Williamson)

4. Status / work plans for support structures (Loesser)

5. Update on mod coil R&D [1][2][3] (Jim Chrzanowski)

6. Update on design integration / CAD models (Mike Cole)


If anyone has additional issues, please bring them up at this meeting.








Brad Nelson

ORNL / UT-Battelle

PO Box 2009, MS 8073

Oak Ridge, TN  37831

Office:  865-574-1507

Fax:     865-576-0024

email:  nelsonbe@ornl.gov