NCSX Capital Asset Plan (OMB-300)
The information reported on exhibit 300 helps OMB:
  • Understand DOE's capital programming and investment decision-making processes;
  • Ensure that spending on capital assets directly supports DOE's mission and will provide a return on investment equal to or better than alternate uses of funding;
  • Identify poorly performing projects, i.e. projects that are behind schedule, over budget, or lacking in capability; and
  • Identify capital assets that no longer fulfill ongoing or anticipated mission requirements or do not deliver intended benefits to DOE or its customers.

  • Exhibit 300 consists of two parts, each of which is designed to collect information that will assist OMB during budget review. Agencies must review their portfolio of capital assets each year to determine whether it continues to meet agency mission needs reconciled with existing capabilities, priorities and resources. The OMB seeks to ensure that capital asset investment decisions are based on agency priorities and that capital asset management complies with OMB requirements. As a general rule, OMB will only consider recommending for funding in the President's budget, priority capital asset investments that comply with the policies for good capital programming described in OMB Circular A-11, Part 7, "Planning, Budgeting, Acquisition, and Management of Capital Assets."

    Approved NCSX OMB-300 (August 2006)

    NCSX Project Cost Profile (August 2006)

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Last update: August 23, 2006
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