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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 142
Review Title Modular Coil Inboard Interface C-C FDR
Date 4 February 2008
Cognizant Engineer Mike Cole
Responsible Line Manager Brad Nelson
Review Board Chairperson Larry Dudek
Review Board Members Wayne Reiersen, Peter Titus, Stephen Langish, Dave Williamson, HM Fan, Art Brooks,  Mike Viola
Invitees Peter Titus, Dave Williamson, Wayne Reiersen, Mike Williams, Stephen Langish, HM Fan, Art Brooks, Mike Viola, Judy Malsbury, Jerry Levine, Jeff Makiel, Don Rej, Kevin Freudenberg, Brad Nelson, Mike Cole, Jim Lyons, Hutch Neilson, John Boscoe, Bob Simmons, Phil Heitzenroeder, P.J. Fogarty, Dave Williamson, Kevin Freudenberg,         Frank Malinowski
Attendees Larry Dudek, Mike Viola, John Boscoe, Steve Langish, Frank Malinowski, Jeff Makiel, Don Rej, Art Brooks, Tom Brown, Bob Simmons, Phil Heitzenroeder, Wayne Reiersen, Kevin Freudenberg, Paul Fogarty, David Williamson
Charge The charge to the review committee is as follows:

1) Are the requirements defined? What is the proposed design?

2) What are the results of access studies?

3) Is the analysis consistent with the proposed design?

4) Have prior design review chits been addressed?

5) Have all technical, cost/schedule, and safety risks been addressed?

Design Review Material


Chits and Disposition


Notes from Peer Review --Shim Update





Review Board Report
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified X  
Development plans and schedules X
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA   Not Presented
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews X  
Cost objectives   Not Presented

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results

This review was judged to be successful pending resolution of the concerns.  While the charge issues were addressed there were a few important areas identified during the review that will require additional design / analysis time and an additional peer review.  The concerns identified were the access to the inboard bushings for installation and removal, additional load case for the analysis should be reviewed to validate the design and the case of uneven friction on the pucks causing a net force on the carrier.


(check  one)

 1 Acceptable
 Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
  1 Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

 1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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