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Engineering > Meetings > 10./18 meeting on Field Period Assembly

Minutes (Viola)

To Hutch Neilson; Brentley C. Stratton; Thomas G. Brown; Steve Raftopoulos; Michael R. Kalish; Lawrence E. Dudek; Wayne T. Reiersen; Mike Cole; John W. Edwards

 Cc Marianne Tyrrell; Ronald L. Strykowsky; Erik D. Perry; 'Paul Goranson'; Bradley E. Nelson; David E. Williamson; James H. Chrzanowski; Phil Heitzenroeder

Thank you for attending.

Items discussed:

1)     Metrology plan for FPA will be developed – Stratton due Nov 18th

a.      Examine use of CAD data to align and assemble vs. flux loop empirical data

b.      Budget for plan available?

c.      Train people for installing flux loops – Raftopolous  due Nov 30th


2)     Design Integration to provide additional guidance – Brown due Nov 18th

a.      Update picture of Stage 3

b.      Complete FPA detailed steps for Stage 1

c.      Provide Assembly drawings for Stage 1 including final configuration upon completion


3)     Identify/name each stage – Viola/Edwards due Oct 21st

4)     Generate Spec for each stage – Viola Stage 1 due Nov 30th

5)     Update MIT/QA plan – Viola due Nov 30th

The next meeting will be Monday October 31st at 10 AM to discuss issues and status progress.

Expect to have meetings about every other week on Monday at 10 AM.

Presentation Material (Brown)

Field Period Assembly

Detail Assembly Steps

WBS 18 Plans FY06


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