Title |
Vacuum Vessel Ports Peer
Review |
Date |
29 January 2004 |
Cognizant Engineer |
Mike Cole |
Responsible Line Manager |
Phil Heitzenroeder |
Review Board Chairperson |
Larry Dudek |
Review Board Members |
Mike Viola, Geoff
Gettelfinger, Robert Simmons |
Invited Attendees |
Brad Stratton, Dave Johnson,
Dick Majeski, Paul Goranson, Dave Williamson, Brad Nelson |
Other Attendees |
Charge |
Is the Vacuum Vessel port
arrangement (size, number, and location) adequate for the NCSX
program? |
Design Review Material |
Chits and Project
Disposition |
Review Board Report |
Items Reviewed |
Sat |
Unsat |
Comments |
Appropriate requirements identified
Development plans and schedules |
Not presented |
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA |
Not Applicable |
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews |
Not Applicable |
objectives |
Not presented |
review objectives addressed
(Attachment 4 of ENG-033) |
Summary of Results
The ports to be shown are
feasible, including adequate clearances to other component
- during assembly (everything
at room temperature)
- during operation (coils,
cold, VV at RT to 40c)
-during bake-out (coils,
cold, VV at 350c)
Mike Cole presented the
latest design for the port arrangement. Twenty three chits were
generated from the review most of the chits and discussion concerned how to
best eliminate the remaining interference with the structure and coils.
The committee considerer the review successful pending resolution of the
chits. Brad Nelson, will hold another review once the chits are
(check one) |
Acceptable |
Acceptable pending resolution of concerns -
CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation. |
Incomplete -
Additional work is required prior to another design review.
Cog Engineer Close-out
when done) |
Action required by Disposition is complete |