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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 132
Review Title PF Coils FDR
Date 20 February 2008
Cognizant Engineer Jim Chrzanowski
Responsible Line Manager Phil Heitzenroeder
Review Board Chairperson Al von Halle
Review Board Members Ted Hunter, Charles Neumeyer, Raki Ramakrishnan, Wayne Reiersen, Al von Halle
Invitees Larry Dudek, Jeff Makiel, Jerry Levine, Judy Malsbury, Jim Chrzanowski, Al von Halle, Charles Neumeyer, Ted Hunter, Raki Ramakrishnan, Wayne Reiersen, Don Rej, Hutch Neilson, Jeff Harris, Frank Malinowski, Tom Meighan, Larry Sutton, Joe Rushinski, Fred Dahlgren, Mike Cole, Art Brooks, Mike Kalish, Bob Simmons, Robert Parsells
Attendees Jerry Levine, Frank Malinowski, Tom Meighan, Larry Sutton, Hutch Neilson, Joe Rushinski, Larry Dudek, Fred Dahlgren, Mike Cole, Art Brooks, Jeff Makiel, Don Rej, Mike Kalish, Bob Simmons, Bob Parsells, Jeff Harris
Charge The charge to the review committee is:

1) Are the requirements defined? What is the proposed design?

2) Is the analysis consistent with the proposed design?

3) Are fabrication documents (drawings, specifications) complete?

4) Are there satisfactory fabrication plans?

5) Have prior design review chits been addressed?

6) Have all technical, cost/schedule, and safety risks been addressed?

Design Review Material


Chits and Disposition








Review Board Report
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified X   SRD approved and posted
Development plans and schedules X  
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA   Not covered in this review
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews X PDR Chits/resolutions posted
Cost objectives X

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results

The design of the NCSX PF4, PF5 and PF6 coils was reviewed on 2/20/08.  Detailed aspects of the proposed coil construction were presented including all physical dimensions, and specifications for epoxy, insulating materials, and conductors (common to all three coils).  The expected mechanical and electrical performance of the completed coils was reviewed, and a summary of analysis and testing needed to develop a good fabrication plan was available.  Drawings for all three coils have been completed and were available for this review, but questions on several design details remained unanswered. Chit were generated and the review committee decided to reconvene after the final approval of the System Requirements Document, and the posted availability of documented (and reviewed) support analysis.

The review committee again met on 3/4/08 to review the chits from the FDR in the light of the now finalized System Requirement Document. The committee concurred that the designed package for the PF coils is ready to go out for procurement/fabrication.  It was recognized, however, that interfacing systems have not reached final design, and the majority of the chits written during this review are concerned with details of these interfaces.


(check  one)

 1  Acceptable
  Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
 1  Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

 1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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