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Engineering > Analysis Reports > WBS 18

Analysis reports are filed by Document Number.  Please click on the appropriate Document Number below to view the analysis report.  Peer review documentation is filed in the right-most column.


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Document Number


Purpose Status

Peer Review

WBS 18 - Field Period Assy        
NCSX-CALC-18-001-00 Follow-up Analysis performed on the  FPA Station 3 following its FDR FEA analysis of the Station 3 vacuum vessel assembly fixture support was performed to verify the adequacy of the design in supporting a vessel against an external lateral load of 1000 lbs. Appv'd  
NCSX-CALC-18-002-00 Analysis performed on the FPA Station 3 lift fixture for its FDR

Hand calculations and FEA analysis of the lift fixture was performed to verify the adequacy of the design in supporting the weight of the module coil half period (MCHP) as it is maneuvered over the vacuum vessel.

WBS 186 - Tooling & Fixtures        
NCSX-CALC-186-001-00 VV Assembly Fixture Structural Analysis Establishes structural margins for using the VV Assembly Fixture Appv'd  

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