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Engineering > Analysis Reports > WBS 12

Analysis reports are filed by Document Number.  Please click on the appropriate Document Number below to view the analysis report.  Peer review documentation is filed in the right-most column.


Click here for guidelines for documenting analyses.


Document Number


Purpose Status

Peer Review

NCSX-CALC-12_001-01 VV Local Thermal Analysis   Draft R1 18 Feb 2004
NCSX-CALC-12-002-01 VV Heating/Cooling Distribution System Thermo-hydraulic Analysis   R1
NCSX-CALC-12-003-01 VV Heat Balance Analysis   Draft R1
NCSX-CALC-12-004-00 VV Support Rod Analysis   R0  
NCSX-CALC-12-005-00 Diagnostic Port Flange Weld Stress   R0  
NCSX-CALC-12-006-00 Port 4 Weld Stress During Bakeout   R0  
NCSX-CALC-12-007-00 VV Structural Analysis   R0  
NCSX-CALC-12-008-00 Lateral Support Bracket Analysis   R0  
060131_SXR Mod_12_FD.doc Structural Analysis of SXR Spacer Modification   Memo  
NCSX-FMECA-12-001-00-dB VV FMECA   Draft  

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