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Engineering > Analysis Reports > PF Coils (WBS 132) Design Basis Analyses

Analysis reports are filed by Document Number.  Please click on the appropriate Document Number below to view the analysis report.  Peer review documentation is filed in the right-most column.


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Document Number


Author (Reviewer) Purpose Status

Peer Review

Analysis Reports          
PF Coils          
NCSX-CALC-132-01 Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of PF4/PF5/PF6 Chrzanowski (Dahlgren) The thermo-hydraulic analysis of PF4, 5, & 6 for worst case I-sq x T establishes the minimum pressure and flow requirements for the LN2 coolant system. R-0 approved 2/22/2008  
NCSX-CALC-132-02 Stress Analysis of  PF4/PF5/PF6 Chrzanowski (Dahlgren) The Myatt consulting analysis was checked and results were in reasonable agreement with the current PF4/5/6 analysis.  Basis assumptions of clamped boundary conditions and material properties in the analysis agree with the coil support design and published property data. R-0 approved 2/22/2008  

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