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Engineering > Analysis Reports > Modular Coil (WBS 14) Design Basis Analyses

Analysis reports are filed by Document Number.  Please click on the appropriate Document Number below to view the analysis report.  Peer review documentation is filed in the right-most column.


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Document Number


Author (Reviewer) Purpose Status
Analysis Reports        
NCSX-CALC-14-001-00 Nonlinear Analysis of the NCSX Modular Coil and Shell Structure Fan (Williamson)   Approved
NCSX-CALC-14-002-00-dA Modular Coil Thermal Analysis Freudenberg (Nelson) Examine the heat transfer characteristics of a local model of a 10 turn modular coil during and after an operational pulse Draft
NCSX-CALC-14-003-00 Integrated Structure Fan (Brooks)

Documents a nonlinear FEA model for NCSX coil support structure and its analytic results for the four loading cases, representing four stages during NCSX operation.

NCSX-CALC-14-004-00 Shim Testing Freudenberg
Results of test program to document the performance of the shims In Signature Process
NCSX-CALC-14-005-00 Welded Joint FDR Freudenberg (Williamson) Structural analysis of the NCSX Modular Coil (MC) assembly field period welding. Approved
NCSX-CALC-14-006 Eddy Current Time Constants Brooks (Williamson) Several analyses of eddy current time constants based on various e-mails. Approved
Effects of Young Modulus E on the Stress and Displacement for the Load Case of Dead Load Plus EM Load
Coil Realignment Date Coil Realignment Data for A1, B1 and C1 Brooks Provides location of Coil  Realignment Data File  
NCSX-FMEA-14-001-00-dA Autoclave FMECA Raftopoulos (Reiersen)   Draft
NCSX-FMEA-14-002-00-dA Mod Coil FMECA Williamson (Reiersen)   Draft

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