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Engineering > Design Descriptions
Design Descriptions are historical documents that are updated for formal design reviews.  Beware that the information provided in them may not be current.  The most recent updates are provided below.

29 January 2005 - TF PDR

SDD WBS 13/15 Conv Coils and Structures


19 May 2004 - VVSA / MCWF FDR

SDD WBS 12 Vacuum Vessel

SDD WBS 14 Modular Coils


07 October 2003 - Preliminary Design Review

SDD WBS 1 Intro SDD WBS 2 Auxiliary Systems
SDD WBS 12 Vacuum Vessel Superseded SDD WBS 3 Diagnostics
SDD WBS 13/15 Conv Coils and Structures Superseded SDD WBS 4 Electrical Power
SDD WBS 14 Modular Coils Superseded SDD WBS 5 Central I&C
SDD WBS 17 Cryostat and Base SDD WBS 6 Facility Systems

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