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Engineering > Meeting Records
CY-2007 Meetings


Documentation is organized by meeting month and day.


The relevant WBS is in parentheses - (6) means WBS 6 in our shorthand notation.

(SIT) indicates a Systems Integration Team meeting.

(CS) indicates a monthly Cost and Schedule Review.

(WRD) indicates a Winding R&D meeting.

(Engr) indicates a project-wide Engineering meeting.

(Matl) indicates a materials test meeting.

(CA) indicates a Critical Activities status meeting

(PS) indicates the weekly Project Status telecon

(CCB) indicates a Change Control Board meeting

(TRC) indicates a meeting on the Twisted Racetrack Coil

Other entries are self-explanatory.

(OFES) indicates a meeting with OFES.

(FPA) indicates Field Period Assembly.

(DC) indicates Dimensional Control

(MC) indicates Modular Coil

(OSF) indicates On-site Fabrication

(ITF) indicates the Modular Coil Interface Task Force

(Weld) indicates a Weld Trials.

(PM) indicates weekly Project Manager meeting with entire project.

Records from IPT and Project meetings are posted on the Project Web.

January  8(Engr) 22(Engr) 29(Engr)

2(Bolted joint) 8(Metrology) 12(Engr) 26(Engr)

March 12(Engr) 19(SIT) 22(Bolted joint)  22(Coil services) 26(SIT)

2(Engr) 2(SIT) 9(Engr) 9(SIT) 12(Bolted joint) 23(Engr)

May 4 (ITF8 (ITF-Ceramic Shim Coating SOW) 9 (ITF) 10 (ITF)  11 (ITF) 21(Bolted joint) 25 (ITF) 31(ITF)

4 (ITF) 13 (ITF) 15 (Weld) 20 (ITF) 20 (Weld) 21 (ITF) 22 (ITF) 22 (Weld)

July 2 (Bolted Joint FDR) 10 (ITF) 10 (Weld) 12 (ITF) 17 (PM)18 (Weld) 24 (Weld) 25 (PM) 27 (Weld) 30 (ITF)
August 1(PM) 9 (ITF) 14 (Weld) 22 (PM) 24 (Weld)
September 5 (PM) 12 (PM)  19 (PM) 21 (Weld) 21 (ITF) 24 (ITF) 24 (Weld) 25 (Weld) 26 (PM) 27 (ITF)
October 3 (PM) 10 (PM) 24 (PM) 31 (Engr)
November 5 (Engr) 7 (PM) 14 (PM)
December 5 (PM) 12 (PM) 19 (PM)

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