PWI000002 : PowerINSPECT Excel Report Generation is very slow

reference PWI000002

Excel Report generation may be slowed by anti-virus software and will fail if there is no printer selected.

PWI000006 : Rigid Probe Technique: Important note

reference PWI000006

It is important to probe the first point correctly, approaching the surface
from the direction of the surface normal. Failure to do so may
result in wrongly positioned entities. 

PWI000009 : Cannot open IGES file from CD.

reference PWI000009

It is not possible to read a IGES from any READONLY device from PowerINSPECT.
Workaround: Copy file to hard disc.

PWI000011 : Free Form Fit Hints & Tips

reference PWI000011

Free Form Fit is most likely to succeed with a smallish number of accurately placed points
positioned so as to constrain the part in 3D.
Choose the most accurate points first.

PWI000012 : Workplanes in PowerINSPECT (Car Line)

reference PWI000012

This technique is commonly used when inspection reports are required in "Car-Line."
TRANSFORMATION MATRICES are used to achieve the desired effect.  

PWI000016 : Excel Window is locked and I cannot use it any more

reference PWI000016

If Excel Report window gets locked and will not respond,
use File- Launch Excel to reset the Excel window.

PWI000019 : Uninstallation Bug: PowerINSPECT 1200

reference PWI000019

Uninstalling PowerINSPECT1200 will damage system faults,
causing the display to look chunky.
Solution: An uninstall repair utility is now available at

PWI000021 : VBS Script may be deleted

reference PWI000021

PowerINSPECT tries to locate the script in the last place it was saved.
If you take a back-up on a floppy disc and remove it,
PowerINSPECT will no longer be able to find it!
Copy scripts using Windows Explorer or similar.

PWI000032 : Excel Error 1004

reference PWI000032

Error when using Excel 97- Excel Error 1004.
Solution- check that a printer driver has been installed
in Windows 95/98/NT and try again.

PWI000033 : Excel Error 1004

reference PWI000033

Error when using Excel 97- Excel Error 1004.
This may be caused by using the character "
in the parameters section of the Excel Report.
Solution- remove any " characters and try again.

PWI000034 : Excel Compiler Error

reference PWI000034

Error message when using Excel Report- Compiler Error. 
Solution:  Ensure that MS Graph option has been installed in Excel.

PWI000036 : Calibrating the corrector length on a Microscribe arm

reference PWI000036

When using a different probe on a Microscribe arm it is necessary
to give a probe diameter and a corrector length. 
The corrector length is the difference in length between the
supplied point probe and the new probe. 
It is calculated by comparing reported measurements immediately
before and after changing the probe.

PWI000037 : Importing Guided Points from an external source

reference PWI000037

You can import a list of X,Y,Z guided points
from an external source (clipboard or file).

The import process is in two steps:

1. Import the points to the Positioning Point Editor.
This will permit PowerINSPECT to adjust the point coordinates
and ensure that all points belong to the CAD model.

2. Copy/Paste points from the Position Point Editor,
to a Guided Point Group

PWI000040 : PowerINSPECT Point Logging

reference PWI000040

PowerINSPECT can record points taken from a CMM in a log file.  These points can then be replayed into PowerINSPECT to recreate the inspection off-line.

The log file contains coordinates for each point and pre-touch point.  These points are grouped under headings explaining what was being measured (Surface Inspection Group, Geometric Items- Circle etc).

Log files are recorded by PowerINSPECT using Measures- Parameters- CMM Configuration.   Tick 'Use Log File' and set the filename to a valid path (not the default).

Log files are replayed into PowerINSPECT using CMM- Simulation.  The configuration must be set to a blank Generic RS232 or Stiefelmeyer.

PWI000041 : PowerINSPECT, Probe Type and Measurement Technique

reference PWI000041

PowerINSPECT can support a wide range of measuring machines and probe types.

Trigger probes (as fitted to most conventional CMMs) and rigid probes (as typically fitted to articulating arms) require different support from the CMM driver, and also require different measurement technique.

This technical note highlights the differences between trigger probes and rigid probes.   PWI000042 describes trigger probe measurement technique in more detail, while PWI000043 describes rigid probe technique.

PWI000042 : Measurement Technique with Trigger Probes

reference PWI000042

PowerINSPECT can support a wide range of measuring machines and probe types.   Trigger probes are fitted to most conventional CMMs.  This note describes measurement technique using trigger probes.

Trigger probes send point data ('trigger') automatically on contact with a surface- the user does not have to use any other controls to take points.

During guided measures the user must bring the probe into contact with the surface in the desired region.  The easiest way to do this is to concentrate on one axis at a time, locking the axes if this function is available.  When the positioning is correct in two axes, the probe can be moved along the third axis until it touches the surface.

PWI000043 : Measurement Technique with Rigid Probes

reference PWI000043

PowerINSPECT can support a wide range of measuring machines and probe types.   Rigid probes are commonly fitted to articulating arm inspection devices.  This note describes measurement technique using rigid probes.

Rigid probes do not trigger automatically on contact with a surface- they are triggered by the user, usually with a button or footswitch.

When using a rigid probe you must ensure that the axis of the probe is pointing towards the material of the component while each point is being recorded.  This is necessary for proper offsetting. 

During guided measures the user can trigger the probe continuously.  Points taken during this process will be accepted only if the probe position is sufficiently close to the intended position, within the tolerances previously defined by the user.  Effectively this means that the probe is triggered automatically when it gets to an acceptable position.  A progress bar at the bottom of the measurement dialog box provides useful feedback about the current probe position in guided measures.

PWI000044 : Guided Edge Points

reference PWI000044

It is not currently possible to import a file of guided edge points in PowerINSPECT, but you can create guided edge points using Dynamic Points/target points.  Place the Dynamic points on the model, swith Surface/Edge, move the points to the desired position, select and copy the points, and paste them in a Surface Inspection group where you have selected Edge Points and Create guided points.

PWI000048 : Allowing Elecnet Card to be used by Non-Administrator Users

reference PWI000048

The standard installation for the Elecnet card driver software for use with the CMMDriver/PowerINSPECT is only valid for users logged onto Windows NT with administrator privilege. Other non-administrator users will be presented with an error message when they attempt to connect to the CMM. This can be resolved by changing some registry key security settings.

PWI000050 : IGES Export from PowerINSPECT

reference PWI000050

It is possible to export measured features from PowerINSPECT, using the IGES Export function

PWI000051 : PowerINSPECT 1355 Technical Sales Partner Meeting Demo

reference PWI000051

This is the PowerINSPECT demonstration given at the July 2000 Technical Sales Partner Meeting.

PWI000052 : PowerINSPECT Single Point Circle

reference PWI000052

PowerINSPECT allows you to create a point at the centre of a hole by probing it once, if the probe is too big for the hole. You can only create this element if you are using an Articulated Arm fitted with a Rigid Probe.

PWI000053 : PowerINSPECT Best Bit From Points Alignment

reference PWI000053

PowerINSPECT allows you to align the part you are inspecting and the CAD data using three or more points, that have been created as auxiliary entities from geometric elements.

PWI000054 : PowerINSPECT Curve Digitiser

reference PWI000054

PowerINSPECT allows you to create digitised curves, by taking points on a part. These points are linked together by a curve for which you can set a tolerance. The curve is saved as a point cloud group which can then be exported as an IGES file and imported into any other application that supports the IGES format.

PWI000059 : Measuring Offset Surfaces

reference PWI000059

PowerINSPECT allows you to measure surfaces which are offset relative to a CAD.   You may also carry out a free form fit with offset surfaces.  This document explains the sign conventions.  If the probe travels through the CAD surface the offset is negative.  If the probe does not reach the CAD surface the offset is positive.  A fuller description is given in the PowerINSPECT User Guide, Appendix B.

PWI000060 : PowerINSPECT Languages

reference PWI000060

PowerINSPECT from the release CD can be run in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian.  You can select a language using Display-Language before a session is open.  Japanese can only be used on a PC with a Japanese operating system.  Russian can only be used on a PC with a Russian operating system.

PWI000062 : Off-line Inspection with PowerINSPECT

reference PWI000062

PowerINSPECT 1355 has point cloud functionality.  This allows pre-recorded point clouds to be used for surface inspection.  This is off-line inspection.  The software is designed for use with aligned point clouds (as produced by typical scanning machines) but there is a WORKAROUND which makes it possible to  carry out a free form alignment by simulating a PowerINSPECT log file.

PWI000064 : PowerINSPECT Datum Feature

reference PWI000064

PowerINSPECT has a datum feature so that you can reference geometric entities in an alternative coordinate system.  The datum is created from a plane, a line and a point.

PWI000065 : PowerINSPECT Automation

reference PWI000065

PowerINSPECT 2.0 has support for Automation using Visual Basic. This allows you to write Visual Basic applications that programmatically control PowerINSPECT to automate repetitive tasks, for example.

PWI000066 : PowerINSPECT crashes on opening

reference PWI000066

Some combinations of Graphics Cards and settings may fail to work with Open GL.   This may result in PowerINSPECT crashing as soon as the CAD view appears.  A workaround or test for this is to disable the shaded view by setting the Shading View key to 0 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Delcam\PowerINSPECT\XXXX\General\

PWI000067 : Connecting PowerINSPECT 1355 and 1560 to Mitutoyo Machines with GEOPAK-Win 1.5

reference PWI000067

PowerINSPECT 1355 and 1560 can be connected to Mitutoyo machines using GEOPAK-Win version 1.5 or later.  Two PCs are required, and they must be connected with some sort of network.  Start the Geo-Pak Part Manager and select CMM- Remote CMM.   Start PowerINSPECT and set CMM-Configuration to Mitutoyo GEOPAK-Win, and in Parameters set the PC Name or IP address to match the GEOPAK PC.

PWI000069 : Connecting PowerINSPECT to the Deva 001 Counter Card

reference PWI000069

This describes how to connect PowerINSPECT to a CMM using a DEVA 001 card.  Set CMM- Configuration to DEVA 001 Counter Card.

PWI000070 : Size of confetti in Print/Print Preview report

reference PWI000070

In PowerINSPECT the confetti size as printed is set separately from the on-screen display size.  Set the printed confetti size in File- Page Setup.  Set the on-screen size in Display- options.

PWI000071 : Uninstalling other Delcam products has serious consequences for PowerINSPECT

reference PWI000071

This problem affects all versions of PowerINSPECT up to and including PowerINSPECT 2000 build 007.  Uninstalling other Delcam products deletes PowerINSPECT registry settings.  The workaround for current versions is to export the registry settings before uninstalling the other products, and then to reimport the registry settings afterwards.  Future versions of PowerINSPECT will not be affected in this way.

PWI000072 : PowerINSPECT Virtual CMM Simulator

reference PWI000072

PowerINSPECT Version 2 has a 'Virtual CMM' simulator.  This is a tool for developers.  It can be used to explain PowerINSPECT CNC in a limited fashion.

PowerINSPECT can record points taken from a CMM in a log file.  These points can then be replayed into PowerINSPECT to recreate the inspection off-line, again using the simulator.  The log file contains coordinates for each point and pre-touch point.  These points are grouped under headings explaining what was being measured (Surface Inspection Group, Geometric Items- Circle etc).

Log files are recorded by PowerINSPECT using Measures- Parameters- CMM Configuration.   Tick 'Use Log File' and set the filename to a valid path (not the default).   Log files are replayed into PowerINSPECT using CMM- Simulation.  The configuration must be set to a blank Generic RS232 or Stiefelmeyer.

To use the simulator you need PowerINSPECT Version 2 as well as a version of CMMDriver 2400.

PWI000073 : PowerINSPECT 2.0 Technical Sales Partner Meeting Demo 2001- Phone

reference PWI000073

This is the PowerINSPECT demonstration given at the June 2001 Technical Sales Partner Meeting.  It will inspect the mobile phone used in the other PowerSOLUTION demonstrations.  There are three CAD files for this demo; all are found on the TSPM2001 CD.

PWI000074 : PowerINSPECT 2.0 Technical Sales Partner Meeting Demo 2001- Stereo

reference PWI000074

This is the second PowerINSPECT demonstration given at the June 2001 Technical Sales Partner Meeting.  It will inspect the portable CD player moulding used in only the PowerINSPECT session..  There are two CAD files for this demo; both are found on the TSPM2001 CD.

PWI000075 : Exporting Single Points

reference PWI000075

In PowerINSPECT 2.0 you can take uncompensated 'curve digitising' points without a curve.  If you want to export these, you must export the group as 'probe centre.'

PWI000076 : Using the Geometric PLP Alignment

reference PWI000076

PowerINSPECT has a PLP alignment function.  The plane is the key feature- the line and point are projected into the plane.

PWI000077 : Error Map problem- "Failed to create the Microsoft Component Manager component"

reference PWI000077

When you try to select an error map you may get an error message saying  "Failed to create the Microsoft Component Manager component..."  This is caused by a faulty Windows NT 4.0 installation which is quite widespread.  The solution is
1. Find comcat.dll on your system. This will normally be in C:\winnt\system32.
2. Rename the file or delete it. I would recommend renaming it to comcat_v5.dll.
3. Re-run PWISystemUpdate from the install area of the CD. This will install and register comcat.dll 4.71.

PWI000078 : PowerINSPECT 2.001 InstallShield Failure under Windows 2000

reference PWI000078

To install PowerINSPECT on a computer with Windows NT or Windows 2000 you should be logged on as a user with administrative privileges.  There is a bug in the Install Shield tool used to install PowerINSPECT which means that attempting to install on Windows 2000 without administrative privileges will cause a blank error message to be displayed during the installation initialisation. Accepting the message terminates the installation.

PWI000079 : Connection Problems with Romer WinRDS caused by PowerINSPECT betas 1500 to 1560

reference PWI000079

PowerINSPECT Beta versions 1500 to 1560 incorrectly installed the registry key for the WinRDS ArmData program to set up the WinRDS connection DLLs. This will prevent WinRDS connecting in all subsequent versions- such as PowerINSPECT 2.001. The solution is to uninstall the pre-1570 betas and re-run the ArmData program.

PWI000081 : How to Install Service Pack Patches for PowerINSPECT 2.001 Onwards

reference PWI000081

Bug fixes and new connection protocols for PowerINSPECT 2.001 onwards will be distributed in the form of Service Packs. These can be installed by either running a complete installation kit or by running a patch program to upgrade computers that already have the appropriate version of PowerINSPECT installed on them.

This document describes how to use Service Pack patch programs.

PWI000085 : Using PowerINSPECT on a Renishaw Cyclone

reference PWI000085

PowerINSPECT 2.001 Service Pack 3 and later can be used with a Renishaw Cyclone running Tracecut 24 Beta and later.  The connection is via a serial line which connects PowerINSPECT to the Renishaw Cyclone software (Renishaw Tracecut).  This document assumes that the Renishaw Tracecut software is already running successfully on the PC.  PowerINSPECT is run as normal.  The Renishaw Tracecut software outputs point data via the Remote Data Output.  The Tracecut software provides single points (for geometric entities etc) using the Digitise functionality,and scans using the 3D Surface Operations.

PWI000087 : Serial Cables

reference PWI000087

The SpyComm help file which installs with PowerINSPECT in the dcam\product\PowerINSPECTXXXX directory explains RS232 serial cables in full.  Go to Index- Standard Cables.  This technical note just shows a pin configuration that should work in most situations.

PWI000088 : Copy Results Toolbar

reference PWI000088

The 'Copy Results' toolbar was introduced to allow you to copy alignments between measures on components which are jigged.  The 'Copy Results' toolbar copies geometric entities individually as well as geometric based alignments.  To use the feature, create a new measure and select the geometric entity or the alignment that you want to copy.  Ensure that the correct 'reference' measure is selected in the 'Copy Results' toolbar.  Press the 'Copy Results' button and the results will be copied to your current measure.  A message box will appear to confirm the result that has been copied.

PWI000089 : Delete key doesn't work!  (and other customisation issues)

reference PWI000089

The toolbar and keyboard customisation available in PowerINSPECT can result in the mapping between keys and functions (particularly the delete key) being lost.  There is a quick way to change this- choose the language again (Display- Language).  Alternatively you can change it manually (right click on the toolbar, customise- Keyboard and Reset all)

PWI000090 : Using PowerINSPECT with a Serial Port provided by USB

reference PWI000090

PowerINSPECT can communicate with hardware devices using serial ports.  One way to provide an additional serial port is through a USB connection.  Set up the USB serial port using Windows itself, and make sure that the connection protocol refers to the port number shown by Windows.

PWI000091 : Catia Export (*.exp) files with PowerINSPECT

reference PWI000091

PowerINSPECT 2001 and later can use PS-Exchange for additional file translations.  Normally PS-Exchange use is invisible to the user.  Catia Export (*.exp) files are an exception and you must use PS-Exchange to extract the *.FIC components.  Start PS-Exchange, use Tools- Extract Catia FIC(s) from EXPORT File and follow the steps in the wizard.  This will extract the catia *.FIC files to a directory that you specify.  Then start PowerINSPECT and open the relevant *.FIC files as usual.

PWI000094 : Adding keyboard shortcuts for PowerINSPECT menu items

reference PWI000094

You can set up keyboard shortcuts for menu items. For example, you can use the Delete key instead of selecting Edit-Delete, or use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to copy and paste. This is done using the More Buttons - Customize option on both the Main and CMM toolbars.

PWI000095 : SPC- Using PowerINSPECT with Lighthouse Systems SPC Light and other SPC packages

reference PWI000095

An add-in has been written to export PowerINSPECT inspection results in a format that can be used with an external SPC package.  The add-in exports inspection results grouped by measure, to allow an SPC analysis across multiple PowerINSPECT measures.  The add-in is called PowerINSPECT2SPC_VBAddIn.dll and installs a toolbar button.  The dll is referenced by PowerINSPECT using Tools- Add-In Manager. This technical note explains how to export the inspection results and see them in SPC-Light. You will need a licence of SPC-Light to view the SPC reports.

PWI000096 : Basic Dongle testing for PowerINSPECT

reference PWI000096

PowerINSPECT 2200 and later uses the paf protection scheme.  This note explains very basic dongle and installation testing.

PWI000100 : Serial Port problems with Nokia mobile phone software

reference PWI000100

PowerINSPECT may fail to open the serial port, causing problems when connecting to measuring devices.  One possible cause for this is that the Nokia Connection Manager is already using the serial port.  Free the serial port by opening the Nokia Connection Manager, and 'clicking off' the picture of the connection.

PWI000101 : FATAL ERROR:  Please Contact Delcam- Unlocking 'Clocked' dongles after date change

reference PWI000101

The PowerINSPECT Licensing mechanism includes a check for the system date, so that it is not possible to extend a demonstration licence indefinitely by changing the system date.  The symptom is that PowerINSPECT shows an error message 'Fatal error:  Please contact Delcam' rather than starting up.  When this error message is displayed, PowerINSPECT creates a file called rainbow.log which is saved in the c:\dcam\config\pass directory.  This file should be sent to Delcam.  We will generate an unlocking executable called rainbow.ans.dcamfix.  The user should run this executable on the PC with the dongle.  They will be prompted to confirm the date- if this is ok, the dongle will be unlocked.

PWI000109 : HTML Report Template Customisation in PowerINSPECT 4.0

reference PWI000109

PowerINSPECT 4.0 is able to generate and store results in HTML format but still has the ability to generate the report using Excel. The HTML procedure uses a template to format the output. The installation of PowerINSPECT 4.0 installs a number of pre-defined templates which have been based on the Excel templates in previous versions of PowerINSPECT. With a little knowledge of HTML, the user is able to edit or change the format to suit their own requirements.

PWI000110 : CMM Model Creation in PowerINSPECT 4.0

reference PWI000110

PowerINSPECT 4.0 has the ability and to graphically represent the CMM on the screen and to simulate the movements of the machine along the programmed probe path. When PowerINSPECT is connected to the machine, the actual machine movements will also be mirrored in PowerINSPECT by moving the simulation model in real time.

PWI000111 : Setting up Security in PowerINSPECT 4.0

reference PWI000111

PowerINSPECT 4.0 can now have security settings. This enables certain users to have the ability to edit probe paths and make changes to the measurements and results of elements. This system utilises the Windows security procedures.

PWI000112 : Adding New Probe to Probe Database in PowerINSPECT 4.0

reference PWI000112

PowerINSPECT 4.0 can now have security settings. This enables certain users to have the ability to edit probe paths and make changes to the measurements and results of elements. This system utilises the Windows security procedures.

PWI000118 : Differences Between PowerINSPECT 4.3 and PowerINSPECT 4.3 Service Pack 1

reference PWI000118

Service Pack 1 for PowerINSPECT 4.3 has been released. Service Pack 1 is a recommended update for existing installations of PowerINSPECT 4.3. This document describes the differences between the PowerINSPECT 4.3 customer release and the PowerINSPECT 4.3 Service Pack 1 customer release.